SMFShop > General SMFShop Discussion

SMF Shop installed itself twice


I have this error in SMF Shop which annoy me a lot. It install itself twices meaning that i have 2 shop icon in my default  themes, double counting the money.

I uninstalled the mod and 1 of the installation is gone but the other 1 is still there eventhough the mod packages isnt there anymore. Any idea of how to fix this bugs or can someone teach me how to manually uninstall this mod ?

It would probably be best if you went through all the files that SMFShop edited, and also remove all the SMFShop stuff from the database.

Files that SMFShop edits:
[*] index.php
[*] Sources/RemoveTopic.php
[*] Sources/Post.php
[*] Sources/Subs.php
[*] Sources/ManageBoards.php
[*] Themes/default/ManageBoards.template.php
[*] Themes/default/Display.template.php
[*] Themes/default/index.template.php
Just open all those files, and search for 'Shop'. If you find a SMFShop section, remove it.

Okie ... will try to do that but there is a lot of files to delete that SMF shop thinggy :(


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